
[知識分享站] The Picture Post抓住歷史的視覺記憶(1):納粹V.S希特勒

The Picture Post是1938-1957出版於英國的圖片形式的報紙,從日常生活詼諧和輕鬆愉快的快照到嚴肅且具歷史關鍵性時刻的國家以及國際性事件均被記錄於其中,其出版的形式確立了20世紀新聞攝影的風格。而Picture Post Historical Archive則提供了學生及研究人員,透過線上數位化的方式,瀏覽及檢索約50,000頁的報紙,使大家能夠對於20世紀歷史的重要時期獲得獨特的洞悉,一同掌握1930至1950年代的視覺紀錄。

The Picture Post豐富、反法西斯主義及平民主義的編輯立場,結合由專業攝影師利用35mm鏡頭的抓拍攝影,自第一期的出版就取得了遙遙領先的成功。6個月即達到170萬本的發行量,戰爭期間讀者群數量預估達到80%的英國人口。

我們以二次大戰的「納粹德國對於猶太人的迫害」的歷史來說,The Picture Post刊登了阿道夫•希特勒(德語:Adolf Hitler,1889年4月20日-1945年4月30日) 的相關報導、文章、讀者投書甚至於諷刺漫畫等形式,讓我們掌握當時納粹與猶太人之間的歷史痕跡。


Does Hitler Want World Empire?
Picture Post [London, England] 15 Oct. 1938: 38.
Hitler! How Can You Forget this?
Picture Post [London, England] 8 Oct. 1938: 12-13.
We Hadn't Heard of Hitler.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, January 07, 1939; pg. 75; Issue 1 (1485 words)
I was Hitler's Prisoner.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, January 14, 1939; pg. 71; Issue 2 (1559 words)
What Happened to Hitler's Prisoners.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, December 09, 1939; pg. 41; Issue 10 (3837 words)
Hitler and Private Life
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, November 11, 1939; pg. 49; Issue 6 (129 words)
Hitler Speaks—So What!.
Picture Post (London, England), Sa turday, July 08, 1939; pg. 61; Issue 1 (103 words)
What Hitler Does Not Want.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, July 15, 1939; pg. 69; Issue 2 (110 words)
The Man who Fought Hitler with his Pen.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, October 14, 1939; pg. 30-31; Issue 2 (2686 words)
Have You Got a Nazin Mind?.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, November 25, 1939; pg. 47; Issue 8 (1382 words)
Look at Hitler, for Instance!.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, February 03, 1940; pg. 51; Issue 5 (155 words)
When Hitler Offered 'Peace'.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, August 03, 1940; pg. 18-19; Issue 5 (888 words)
The Rottenness of Nazism.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, July 27, 1940; pg. 3; Issue 4 (147 words)
Hungary Fights Nazism.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, January 27, 1940; pg. 23; Issue 4 (2039 words)
The Man on the Spot: Antonescu before Hitler and his Gang.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, February 08, 1941; pg. 20-21; Issue 6 (333 words)
Hess : A Lesson in Nazism
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, May 31, 1941; pg. 22-23; Issue 9 (2764 words)
Hitler Defied.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, April 12, 1941; pg. 26; Issue 2 (1688 words)
The End of the Hitler Myth
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, February 17, 1945; pg. 7; Issue 7 (731 words)
The mad ride of Adolf Hitler.
Picture Post (London, England), Saturday, June 01, 1957; pg. 8 (192 words)

資料庫:Gale-- Picture Post Historical Archive.

特約編輯 | Nicky 提供

