Eclipse 日食/月食:
一個天上發光的物體被另外一個物體遮蔽住產生的現象,當太陽、月球、地球連成一直線時,就會產生日食或月食現象。An eclipse refers to the complete or partial blocking of the light of a celestial body by another body and can be used to describe a wide range of phenomena. Solar and lunar eclipses occur any time the Sun, the Moon, and Earth are all positioned in a straight line. This occurrence occurs uncommonly because the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun is different than that of the plane of the Moon's orbit around Earth. Thus, the Moon is usually located just above or below the imaginary plane of Earth's orbit…..
Solar Atmosphere:太陽大氣
Solar wind:太陽風
太陽風是從日冕傳出的帶電粒子流。The solar wind is an ongoing outward flow of electrically charged particles of ionized gas from the Sun' corona. The Sun's corona, an atmosphere of gases, extends millions of kilometers around the Sun. The particles of gas that make up the wind are not contained by the Sun's gravity and travel outwards billions of miles through the solar system and into interstellar space.
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"A diamond is not forever." (Astrophotos from Our Readers)(Brief Article) Sky & Telescope, Sept 2005 v110 i3 p120(1). Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009
"Eclipse." U*X*L Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Online. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007. Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009
"Eclipses: Project 1: Step 5, solar eclipse set-up." Gale Group. Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009
"Eclipses: Project 1: Step 5, lunar eclipse set-up." Gale Group. Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009
"Solar Atmosphere." Astronomy & Space: From the Big Bang to the Big Crunch. Ed. Phillis Engelbert. Online. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007. Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009
"Solar wind." U*X*L Science. Online. Detroit: U*X*L, 2009. Science Resource Center. Gale. 30 七月 2009