母親節快樂!全球有數十個國家在五月的第二個星期日一同慶祝母親節這個節日的到來!ARTstor Digital Library特地在5月份準備了母親節精選影像,與你一同欣賞在不同文化及地區中有關母與子的珍貴影像。不論是圖畫或是攝影照片,從數百年前到現代,在不同的藝術家手下呈現出來不變的是母親對與子女的關愛之意。在這個節日,記得和母親說聲我愛你唷!
Edward S. Curtis | Assiniboin Mother And Child, 1896-1926 | George Eastman House, eastmanhouse.org |
Henry Inman | Georgianna Buckham and her mother, 1839 | The Carnegie Arts of the United States | Data from: University of Georgia Libraries |
Thomas Hendricksz | Mother and Child, 1628 | Image and original data provided by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation: kressfoundation.org |
Mary Cassatt | Peasant Mother and Child | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | Image and data from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston |
New Guinea | Mother and Child Figure, 19th-early 20th century | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
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