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- America, Alison; Milling, Leonard S. The efficacy of vitamins for reducing or preventing depression symptoms in healthy individuals: Natural remedy or placebo? [References]. [Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal] Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Vol 31(2) Apr 2008, 157-167.
- Garvin, Ann Wertz; Damson, Christopher. The effects of idealized fitness images on anxiety, depression and global mood states in college age males and females. [References]. [Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal] Journal of Health Psychology. Vol 13(3) Apr 2008, 433-437.
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- Schmeck, Klaus; Sadigorsky, Shella; Englert, Ekkehart; Demisch, Lothar; Dierks, Thomas; Barta, Stefan; Poustka, Fritz. Mood changes following acute tryptophan depletion in healthy adults. [References]. [Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal] Psychopathology. Vol 35(4) Jul-Aug 2002, 234-240.
- Brody, Stuart. High-dose ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood: A randomized controlled clinical trial. [References]. [Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal] Biological Psychiatry. Vol 52(4) Aug 2002, 371-374.
- Klaassen, Tineke; Riedel, W. J; Deutz, N. E. P; Van Praag, H. M. Mood congruent memory bias induced by tryptophan depletion. [References]. [Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal] Psychological Medicine. Vol 32(1) Jan 2002, 167-172.